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artist statement

My work is based on observing human and social behavior. Individual needs, desires, and the pursuit of recognition stand in contrast to societal realities. A central theme of my practice is the marginalization and invisibility of femininely coded labor and aesthetics, such as cuteness, DIY culture, and care work, which I explore in depth. The result is drawings, objects, and videos that, at times autobiographically, reflect on social aspirations, control, and hopelessness. In my work, I combine techniques traditionally associated with domestic or private realms—such as sewing, crocheting, makeup, and crafting—with their societal evaluations to tell absurd and melancholic stories. Non-linear narrative structures are used to highlight complex hierarchical systems and deliberately break with canonical rules that shape our perception. By making crafting and care work visible in artistic discourse, I aim to foster reflection on personal privileges. I intentionally draw on narrative structures and visual motifs from social media, video games, and digital spaces for my practice. Their visual language and creative possibilities enable me to transcend conceptual, spatial, and material boundaries. These tools make it possible to spotlight private aesthetics and life realities often suppressed in the physical world. Cuteness, pop culture motifs, and the iconography of the digital are central aspects I employ to address the interconnectedness of the digital and physical worlds.

Ramona Kortyka
*1991 Aachen

since 2015 Fine Arts Studies, Muthesius Kunsthochschule
2023 »The Garden«, Galeria virreina, Bogota, Kolumbien, cooperative work with Johanna Blank (E) 2023 »Sundays«, organised and curated w/ Max Flachsenberg, Dorotthee Brübach, Anders Prey und David Wassermann, Fabrikstarße 12, Kiel (G) 2022 »What Can Artists Do Now?«, Galerie Thomann, Wien (mcww) 2022 »Gelbisch«, w/Eva Haupt, Galerie Anna KlinkhammerGalerie Anna Klinkhammer, Düsseldorf (E)
2022 »Single Club«, Atelier Umraum Galerie, Alte Muthesius, Kiel (G)
2021 »Turn Of The Tide«, Futur3 Festival, Kiel (mcww)
2021 »Female Invasion«, Atelier Umraum Galerie, Alte Muthesius, Kiel (G)
2021 »Abgefuckt liebt dich«, Atelier Umraum Galerie, Alte Muthesius, Kiel (G)
2021 »Einhundert Geburtstagskerzen auf einer Buttercremetorte«,
Ausstellungsraum Obebilker Allee 57, Düsseldorf (mcww)
2020 »Fellows«, botanischer Garten, Kiel (E)
2020 »Escaleras Futuras» , Galerie Santa Fe, Bogota (mcww)
2020 »collection«, Kunsthalle, Kiel (mcww)
2020 »Rausch und andere Sitten«, Brunswiker Pavillion Kiel (G)
2020 »Moderne Melancholie«, flämische Straße, Kiel (G)
2019 »I didn‘t know it‘s that easy«, PrimaKunst e.V. Container @Stadtgalerie Kiel (mcww)
2019 »Survival Art Festival«, Wrocław (Polen) (G)


2021 »memeclassworldwide: documentation, research, index«,
w/Bernhard Garnicnig, Jennifer Scherler, Gestaltet von NoTalent Studio (mcww)
2020 »DrLonely«, Young Urban Performance Festival, online,
during the online festival »Connecting The Isolated«

2018-2020 »GelatoMittwoch« /w Esteban Perez, Muthesius Kunsthochschule

2017, 2018 »EWA Award« /w Esteban Perez & Thies Warnke,
during Futur3 Festivals, Kiel

Seminare & Workshops (mcww)
2021 »good ideas always appeal to people when they resonate with their hidden needs«
FHNW Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Institut Lehrberufe für Gestaltung und Kunst,Basel

2020 »memeclassworldwide x carte blanche: break it until you make it. then spark a little joy!«
FHNW Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Institut Kunst; Forum 2, Basel

2019 & 2020 »memeclassworldwide x new media art workshop«
Universität für Kunst und Design, Institut für Kunst und Bildung, Linz

2019 — 2020 »YouTube Seminar«, »computing and programming lounge«, »put on your tinfoil hat«,
»Love and Riots«, »sorry for the inconvenience« Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel

(E)Einezlausstellung, (G)Gruppenausstellung, (mcww) /w memeclassworldwide